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We have now finished sending out reports for this year. The post has slowed down considerably and so some of you may still be waiting for your team to come through, don't worry about the delay as the next game deadlines range from the 3/1/4 to 9/1/4. We are currently working to add new things to the game and hope to add substitutes and player morale in the new year.

November....2003 Xmas Post

Its coming up to that time of year again! From the end of November the postal system have to deal with a huge amount of extra seasonal post and envelopes can take longer to deliver. Please help us run our games on time! If you post your MDS please send it as soon as you are able and always 1st class. You could fax it to us on 01761 415 251 or if you have internet access email your turn directly to us (please remember to register a password)


Thankfully the recent postal strikes appear to be at an end, however a huge back log of undelivered mail has been created and may take some time to clear. We are delaying games as neccesary but would like to ask that all our members return their MDS's as soon as they are able to help with the problem.


Postal Strikes are affecting large areas of the country, we are already finding that we are having to delay some games and it may get worse if the situation does not improve. We would like to ask all of our members to return their MDS's as soon as they possibly can to help us cope with the problem. Please use the fax or email facilities if you are able or even phone through your team changes (please only phone between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday as an answer phone message will not be suitable) Hopefully the strikes will be resolved in the very near future and we can resume business as usual!!


We now intend to start work on our next series of game improvements, please let us know which ones you think should be introduced first (Let us know on your MDS's and feel free to put them in order)

* Substitute options * Player contracts & Bosman ruling * Player Confidence & Morale * Individual Player scouting * Player Unrest * International friendlies * Disciplining Players * Media Interaction * Pre season * Scout reports on opposition * Player Personalities * Betting system *


Just a few things to keep you informed about:

Reminders - Speed, Judgement, Aggression and Vision cannot be trained, also only one skill for one player can be trained each turn.

New banking charges - As from the 1st of April 2003 we are changing the basic charging for cheque payments. Cheques under £10 will be subject to a 60p banking charge, also any postal orders that have been crossed or marked so that we cannot exchange them at the post office will also be subject to a 60p charge. These changes are simply due to increased banking charges and should not effect very many of our members at all. We remain determined to keep the cost of playing the game as low for you as possible and have no plans to increase any other charges.

Emailing MDS's...

:You can now email your MDS directly to us. Please make sure that you only enter any changes that you have and that your team is in credit. Emailed MDS's need to arrive with us before 8am of the deadline day. You will also need to register a password with us, to do this write one of your choice on the back of your MDS and send it to us by post or fax and after that turn you will be able to use the email facility.


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