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August.... 2006

Pricing in proportion

From the 21st August the Royal Mail are changing the way post is priced. This will affect you if you return your MDS to us through the post. Items will be charged on size as well as weight.

Standard size letters.

To send an item as a standard size letter it must be no more than 240mm long, 165mm wide, 5mm thick and weigh no more than 100g. This is the equivelent of 12 pieces of A4 paper folded neatly once in a C5 envelope - this should cover nearly all of our members.

Large Letters.

If you return more than 12 sheets of paper, send an A4 envelope or enclose several coins then your item will fall into the large letter format. This will be items no more than 353mm long, 250mm wide and 26mm thick.

The good news is that if you fold your sheets neatly in half and return them in a C5 envelope it will be the same price or cheaper for you to send your MDS's back to us. We will monitor all of our post and inform you if your envelope does fall into the large letter format. Full details of Pricing in proportion can be found here


May.... 2006

Player Evaluations

To help prevent over inflated player evaluations we have added a change to the game that will review and adjust all players at the end of each season. This will help to provide more realistic transfers.

January.... 2006

Server upgrade successfull.

The server upgrade was successfull and you can now email your MDS as normal.

Please read - SERVER UPGRADE 8am Friday 27th Jan until 8am Tuesday 31st Jan.

The website may not function properly during the above period due to a server upgrade - you should NOT attempt to email your MDS between the dates above as we will not receive it even if you can access the site.


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